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Now, we’ll begin to add Music Theory to your guitar playing, by working with notes and scales. Music notes are the building blocks of music. They are symbols on a musical staff that represent musical sounds, pitch, and duration.
The music scale is a series of notes in order of pitch. Scales are used to create melodies and harmonies.
What you'll learn
Open string notes
The Chromatic Scale
The tuning fret (5th fret)
Plectrum picking
Finger picking
In this lesson, we'll build upon the 4-finger exercise you've been practicing since your very first lesson (and hopefully, you have been practicing it!).
While knowing all the notes on the fretboard is a valuable goal, we'll focus on the notes up to the 4th fret for now. As you play each note (using a pick or your index (i) and middle (m) fingers), say the note name aloud. This will reinforce how scales are constructed and their positions on the fretboard.
Play the notes on the fretboard starting with the 1st string. Then repeat the exercise playing the notes within the music staff below the fretboard.

How did you do?
The goal here is to learn the notes at least up to the 4th fret as they appear on the fretboard and the music staff. Learning what and where the notes are will be easier as you practice your chords.
The open string notes on a guitar are the notes that each string produces when plucked without pressing any frets down. From the thickest to thinnest string, the open string notes are: E, A, D, G, B, E It's important to memorize these notes as they are fundamental to understanding the guitar and playing chords.
Lesson Three: Finding Notes on the Guitar